Nick Ansom <em>(CEO of the Venice Basketball League)</em> and Gustavo Zermeno honored<em> Nipsey Hussle</em> with a mural in order to pay homage to him after he died from the shooting incident. According to Ansom, it was meant to say "thank you" to the rapper who was considered to be<u> on the peak of his career in basketball.</u> People visit the mural in order to take a picture of it as a way of remembering him, while others simply bow their heads to grieve.
Nipsey Hussle was an American rapper, entrepreneur and activist who died when he was shot outside his clothing store on <em>March 31, 2019.</em>
Since many people were seen to pay homage to him by painting, Ansom realized that Hussle's death was connecting people together.<u> It was helping</u><em><u> "murals"</u></em><u> revive.</u> Thus, he called Gustavo Zermeno, an artist, to design a<em> mural </em>which was to be painted in a basketball court located a few blocks from where Hussle was shot.
Sorry do want me to give you synonyms or two other ways to say stay
The three laws of motion were first compiled by Isaac Newton in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), first published in 1687. Newton used them to explain and investigate the motion of many physical objects and systems
May 21, 2021
12.00 a.m.
Dear diary,
Today 6 students of our school are found to have contracted Corona Virus. One of them is my classmate. They all were asymptomatic except for our classmate. At the assembly time, principal announced that the school is going to be closed for 14 days, it can be extended if necessary. In the same announcement he told this news too. He told that none of them have any serious problem and that they are currently in hospital. They were taken on a half day basis a day before, but none of us knew that they had contracted Corona Virus. I have given my sample for test also. They told that the result will come tomorrow. I hope I haven't contracted it.
******* (your name)
May 22, 2021
12.00 a.m.
Dear diary,
My test report is negetive. Phew! But I am realy scared for my schoolmates. I got the news that one of them is on ventilator. I hope they recover soon. I have already lost many people this year to cope the loss of another person whom I know. Oh! I don't want to think about it. But I simply can't stop. My mind comes at the same point even if I try to distract it. Please, please, please! I really want them all alive. I really do hope for them to be healthy again.
******* (your name)
Answer: The TV news story consists mostly of dramatic examples of environmental disasters while the New York Times Magazine article focuses on cause and effect relationships among events.