The Neolithic Revolution began the era of permanent societies.
· Due to the closed nature of society, the demographic of farmers was less diverse than of the demographic of herders as they mostly mated within their population
· Gender roles became more prevalent
· The reliance on the limited amount of land they had gave way to political organization
· Less variety in terms of food which affected the overall health of the farming society's citizens
<span>· Political organization caused social organization which was divided by amount of property and power.</span>
Answer: theory/concept of natural state.
Explanation: Modern times (in philosophy usually associated with René Descartes, who died in 1650, i.e. times when so-called modern philosophy was initiated) mark the beginning of non-religious explanation of society. It means that social philosophers no more refer to Bible and Biblical mythology as their primary resource. Instead of that they work with the fiction of "natural state". These theories are usually called theories of natural state and within these concept one can find not only concept of human nature (as a part of modern philosophical anthropology) but also so called "natural rights" of men. It is especially Locke and Hobbes that mark that period in this respect, but also bit younger Jean Jacques Rousseau.
Framework for Peace in the Middle East and Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933 was first enacted by President Franklin Roosevelt and it was designed to correct the imbalance. Farmers who agreed to limit production would receive “parity” payments to balance prices between farm and nonfarm products, based on prewar income levels.
The Agricultural Adjustment Administration was created to implement the law’s goals which were limiting crop production, reducing stock numbers, and refinancing mortgages with terms more favorable to struggling farmers, and it was initially headed by George Peek – a man, ironically, not overly enthusiastic about the New Deal. Farmers were paid to destroy crops and livestock, which led to depressing scenes of fields plowed under, corn burned as fuel and piglets slaughtered. Nevertheless, many of the farm products removed from economic circulation were utilized in productive ways. For example: “The pork products were distributed to unemployed families…Other food products purchased for surplus removal and distribution in relief channels included butter, cheese, and flour”
The Great Plains include theLlano Estacado, the Panhandle,Edwards Plateau, Toyah Basin, and the Llano Uplift. It is bordered on the east by the CaprockEscarpment in the panhandle and by the Balcones Fault to the southeast. Cities in this region include Midland and Odessa, Lubbock, and Amarillo.