There will be cloudy and rainy and probably dark .
1- The northern hemisphere is in either summer or spring, and the southern is in winter or fall.
The primary reason for why native peoples in california remained hunters and gatherers for hundreds of years after europeans arrived in the western hemisphere was because Both land and ocean provided an abundant food supply and resources.
human evolution is the process where humanbeing evolve according to the needs , so when there will be plenty of natural resources , then their basic needs get fulfilled by existing natural resources so they never tried to evolve themselves.
paleo-indians were living in an isolated continent , there was no fear of military attack , food scarcity, population migration , etc and there was no need for agriculture because they can get food from forest, river, ocean, etc. and their demand gets fulfilled by available natural resources , so they never tried to expand their research and never tried to adopt alien culture.
so even after hundred years of European arrival the native people of california remained hunter and gatherer.
to know more about paleo-indians click here
Measuring the amount of deu terium in the universe allows us to set a limit on the density of ordinary matter of universe. Density of the universe is about 9×10-27 kg m-3, because of the way in which deu terium was created in the Big B ang, an exact measurement of the amount of deuterium would allow scientists to set limits on the models of the great explosion.