Gilded age reforms were called to be the age of civil service reforms. Jacksonian era is called to be the age of democracy and era of common man.
Gilded age was the period wherein many social and political reforms took place. Corruption said to be rampant and party politics occupied the major place., industrialization had a major impact on the society which produced large urban poor and social problems like pollution and crime increased. Pendleton act resolved the patronage system and merit examinations were kept to recruit for government jobs. temperance and women suffrage movements were active during gilded age. ]
Jacksonian democracy is the philosophy advocated during the presidentship of Andrew Jackson. Important principles of Jacksonian democracy were the equal protection of laws, aversion to aristocracy and wealthy people domination in the sphere of politics. Privileges and Predilection for the common man and welfare of the community.
increased trade with the rest of the United States
Hitler in his writings, "Mein Kampf" explains his ambitions for Germany. He would create Germany into a ethno-empire. He would conquer Eastern Europe to create, "lebensraum" (Living Space) for the Aryan Race. The Aryan Race is a ancient civilization that Hitler believes are the ancestors of Germans. He explains the Aryan Race is superior to all others, culturally, technologically, physically, mentally, etc. He also shows his deep hatred for the slavic peoples and Jewish population. Anti-Semitism was common at the time and he used the Jews as a scape goat to rally Germany during the Great Depression.
Commodore Matthew C. Perry
Perry was warmly received by Japanese officials who had acquiesced and prepared a treaty that fulfilled many of Fillmore's demands. The Treaty of Kanagawa ensured the protection of American property and opened the ports of Hakodate and Shimoda to trade.