The fossil of the dinosaur is older because it is deeper than the fossil of the mammal in the soil.
EPA stands for Environmental Protection Agency was founded in the year 1970 in the month of December.
EPA’s role in environmental regulation are:
- EPA's role to protect, analyzing, Monitoring the environment.
- Implementation of the environmental law.
- Environmental guidance and plan.
- EPA goal is to improve the environment condition and contribute to making our ecosystems sustainable.
- The EPA controls the distribution, production, processing, and handling of chemicals and pollutants.
- Assuring the Safety of Chemicals so that it does not cause any harm to the environment.
Austria, Lichetenstein, France, Italy and Germany all border Switzerland
I hope this helps :-)
Why the majority of species live on earth and not in the sea is one of the top questions of science. The following are some of the reasons some scientists quote:
- plants play a major role; plants need light for photosyntesis, there is little sun in the ocean except for shallow coastal areas; so, land is more productive than the cold, dark depths of the ocean;
- the co-evolution of plants and insects has also played a role in the birth of so many new species; the vast majority of plants on Earth are flowering plants and 80 percent of all species are insects.
where are the pictures....