Translated by Mimiwhatsup:
—Hello, Augusto, I'm from Argentina.
—Are you from Spain?
— Yes, I'm from Spain.
— Do you share the paella?
— Yes.
A) ¿Compartes la paella?
Do you share the paella?
B) ¿Comparto el ceviche?
Do I share the ceviche?
C) ¿Vivo el atole?
Do I live the atole?
D) ¿Vives el ceviche?
Do you live the ceviche?
Therefore out of all these options the correct one would be: A) ¿Compartes la paella?
D es la respuesta correcta!!
Martha está poniendo un fondo de pantalla
That's how you say it in Spanish!
The correct answer is D. Fuentes thinks that Spain would not have been rich without its easy victory over the Aztecs.
According to the text, it can be inferred that the author refers to the riches they obtained from their conquest in Mexico to the Aztecs and that were sent to Spain by saying that "Para no hablar de las fabulosas riquezas que aquí hallamos y que, enviadas de Cádiz y Sevilla" reference to the fact that these riches have been so great that they have not only benefited Spain but all of Europe for a long period by saying that "hicieron la fortuna no solo de las Españas, sino en la Europa entera, por los siglos de los siglos, hasta el día de hoy" In addition, he refers to the ease with which they defeated the Aztecs by saying that "Tengo muchas impresiones finales de la gran empresa de la conquista de México, en la que menos de seiscientos esforzados españoles sometimos a un imperio nueve veces mayor que España en territorio, y tres veces mayor en población" According to the above, the correct answer is D. Fuentes. He thinks that Spain would not have been rich without an easy victory over the Aztecs.
Mis hermanos hablan is the correct answer