Primary colors (red, blue and yellow) and the base of all colors, at least two of the three colors are present in every single color. secondary colors are the colors they make up. like red and yellow makes orange or blue and yellow makes green.
Front lighting is when the sun is in front of the person being photographed. A person should always look into the camera for a portrait. You should try to photograph people on bright sunny days because the light will be best.
The Greeks contributed many paintings and sculptures. They also contributed architecture as well. The Greeks used their skills in <span>architecture</span> and made many temple, palaces, and many great sculptures you can now see in some museums
I hope this helps!
Answer: D: Columnar monuments were used only by the Romans until the 14th century.
The Lascaux Cave had close to 600 wall paintings<span> decorating the walls and ceilings of the cave.</span>