Answer to Question 1: Hamlet becomes increasingly furious with both himself and whoever harmed those who he cared about. A visceral sentiment of vengeance consumes him as he realizes his mind won't be at peace if he simply stands around fearfully inside his aristocratic eggshell, and the sentiment won't snuff out until the ones responsible for his anger are punished.
Answer to Question 2: Hamlet believes he will become a beast if he gives himself into an avenging wrath, but it does not matter to him as long as his grieving thoughts are cleansed. Ignoring the incident would simply preserve his plight.
Answer to Question 3: The audience should feel compasion for the man in duel, and be afraid that a good man who's well aware of his own thoughts and conclusions - a man that has lost nearly everything - gave into the rage.
Director's notes on Proper Soliloquies.
An actor who aims to perform a soliloquy must look around their environment, focus on a significant element of the scene, and procced to describe with detail how the sight makes them feel - repeat the process with the rest of the scene -. The actor should change the tone of their voice between the lines depending on the current feeling of their character; shouting it all should not be neccesary and might be considered exaggerated.
Is it trump/obama/biden??!
The participle in this sentence is "sweating". It's a participle of the verb " to sweat" and it's a present participle: which we know because it ends with an -ing (past participles end with "-ed).
My grandfather was in Indian army. He usually told me stories of their life in army when I was kid. So here is one of the best story of my life and story that every Indian heart will feel proud after reading this.
My grandfather was participated in India-China war 1962. We lost the war thousands of soldiers injured my grandfather was shot by bullet in right arm and also they had very deep knife cuts on face and back but he survived as fighter he was always. Then he was transferred from border to Delhi Army Hospital for urgent medical assistance. One slider lost his both hands in war (lets called him Mr.Indian) and he was right beside my Grandfather. After some days in hospital while recovering Indira Gandhi came to visit soldiers. Although Mr.Indian lost his both hands but still he was stable and charm on his face like nothing was happened.
Conversation between Mr.Indian and Indira Gandhi and my Grandfather was listening.
Indira Gandhi asked Mr. Indian: How are you Sir ?? with joint hands. As soon as Mr. Indian heard this he started crying. Indira Gandhi asked him”Why are you crying ?Do you have any problem ? any thing what you want please do not feel alone I am here for you”. Also she further told him that “Please don’t care about money and family I will take care of all the things”.
Mr. Indian replied “ Madam I have huge respect for you. You are god for me .It was my dream to meet you once in life But see we are meeting first time in my life but my bad-luck is I don’t have my arms to join in front of you.”
My eyes where so numb and become even more numb when my Grandfather told me the moral of the story “The true nationalist”.
Now I am in Time Zone where people are chanting "Death to India" and "We will war India" (JNU Issue). I urge all to compare both incidents this will increase your Indian feeling by at-least by 1 %.
Salute to all war heroes and all true Indians.
Miss you Grandpa.
Present=existing or occurring now
past=occured previously