Its really up to you...But a central government is when the government is controlling to unitary state while a strong government is when a federal/national government that has primacy the states/countries are primarily set up to mange the rules.
Make sense? if i did i am happy to help
if i didn't..Im sorry thats the best i can do
Enkidu awakens from a chilling nightmare. In the dream, the gods were angry with him and Gilgamesh and met to decide their fate. Great Anu, Ishtar’s father and the god of the firmament, decreed that they must punish someone for killing Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven and for felling the tallest cedar tree. Only one of the companions, however, must die. Enlil, Humbaba’s master and the god of earth, wind, and air, said that Enkidu should be the one to die. Shamash, the sun god, defended Enkidu. He said that Enkidu and Gilgamesh were only doing what he told them to do when they went to the Cedar Forest. Enlil became angry that Shamash took their side and accused Shamash of being their comrade, not a god.
The dream proves true when Enkidu falls ill. Overcome with self-pity, he curses the cedar gate that he and Gilgamesh brought back from the forbidden forest. He says he would have chopped the gate to pieces if he’d known his fate, and that he’d rather be forgotten forever than doomed to die like this. Gilgamesh is distraught. He tells Enkidu that he has gone before the gods himself to plead his case, but that Enlil was adamant. Gilgamesh promises his friend that he will build him an even greater monument than the cedar gate. He will erect an enormous statue of Enkidu, made entirely of gold.
Inca were known for their cruelty and often killed people, but they would not be killed. Rather, they would be separated and sent to different regions, sometimes where other languages were spoken, to make it impossible for them to organise further rebellions.
Cubriendo aproximadamente el 20 por ciento de la superficie de la Tierra, el Océano Atlántico es la segunda cuenca oceánica más grande del mundo, siguiendo solo el Pacífico. Sin embargo, es solo un poco más grande que la mitad del tamaño del Océano Pacífico.
El Océano Atlántico se encuentra entre América del Norte y del Sur en el oeste y Europa y África en el este. Hacia el norte, el Atlántico se conecta con el Océano Ártico y hacia el Océano Austral hacia el sur.
Los científicos a menudo dividen el Atlántico en dos cuencas: el Atlántico Norte y el Atlántico Sur. El Atlántico Norte, donde las aguas se hunden después de ser enfriadas por las temperaturas árticas, es el comienzo del "transportador oceánico global", un patrón de circulación que ayuda a regular el clima de la Tierra.
El Océano Atlántico deriva su nombre del dios griego, Atlas.