Measuring in light-years also allows astronomers to determine how far back in time they are viewing , Because light takes time to travel to our eyes. Everything we view during the dark in night has already been happened.
Grupa Carpaților Orientali în care există numai roci sedimentare cutate (fliș) poartă numele de Carpații Curburii (Grupa Sudică a Carpaților Orientali).
Supernova Definition:
The supernova occurs after fusion begins to pile up iron in the high-mass star's core. Because iron fusion cannot release energy, the core cannot hold off the crush of gravity for long. In the instant that gravity overcomes degeneracy pressure, the core collapses and the star explodes.
Fun Fact!
Approximately one supernova occurs every second. Supernova happens more often than you might think: One occurs somewhere in the universe every second!
Hydrosphere: all the waters on the earth's surface, such as lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the earth's surface, such as clouds.
Biosphere: the regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth (or analogous parts of other planets) occupied by living organisms.
Geosphere: any of the almost spherical concentric regions of matter that make up the earth and its atmosphere, as the lithosphere and hydrosphere.
Atmosphere: the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.
I don't know if that will help but hopefully it does