I'm not 100% sure I'm correct but I'm pretty sure you can make 227 words with these letters,
The mass of the object and its speed.
The committee decided that the best way to handle the abasement charge was to investigate it without letting anyone know they were onto it. It was a case where one student abased another.
She was abducted in the middle of the night. She was wearing her elephant pajamas. Abduct is not a very nice action.
I cherish the present my wife give me. It was a small drone that was easily controlled. She had to think carefully before she bought it. I treasure her care.
He does meticulous work anytime he does carpentry. He always checks twice before making a cut.
In the poem Beowulf, we learn of a great hero who came to the aid of the Danes and defeated a monster called Grendel who had been terrorising them each night. He also had to kill its mother as well.
Beowulf is a great man and two deeds that show this are;
1. Coming to the aid of the Danes
This is the first brave act in the story. Beowulf hears that the Danes are living in fear of a monster who eats people and immediately decides to go to their aid. This is brave because this monster was not his problem and instead of him being glad it was not terrorising his people, he put himself wilfully in harm's way so that he could save the Danes.
2. Deciding to Fight Grendel with his bare hands
Grendel was a monster who was terrorising an entire kingdom, killing people and then eating them which meant that he must have been strong. Upon hearing this however, Beowulf resolved to fight the monster alone so that no one else would be hurt. This showed bravery on his side because whereas others would have wanted to fight in the company of other men upon hearing of the monster's strength, Beowulf resolved to do it alone.