Acquiring a job in the postal service may be difficult in the future
It is Acquiring a job in the postal service may be difficult in the future because postal carriers, postal service mail sorters, proccesors, and processing machine operators both have a loss. Carriers are loosing about 26,000 and carriers, sorters, and operators are loosing about 30,000 people. Loosing that many people will lead to it being less likely to work at a post office.
In arguing for American Independence, Paine denounced the monarchy and argued that people are born in to a state of equality. An advocate of natural rights theory, Paine claimed that there are no natural rulers among men. He then proposed a system of representative government for the colonies.
Answer: Ethos, the ethical appeal, the emotional appeal, the logical appeal and pathos
There are five rhetorical devices(By Aristotle) in the declaration of independence of the United States of America and those are ethos, the ethical appeal, the emotional appeal, the logical appeal, and pathos. The main ones are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.
- Ethos is the rhetorical device where the one who is speaking is noticeable by the public or audience as trustworthy of credible, pathos is a device where the person is trying to persuade other people that are listening and he will do that by trying to make them feel some emotions. Logos is a rhetorical device where the speaker is trying also to persuade the other people but with arguments that are logical for them or they think that they are.
The infamous line from John Muir's "The Calypso Borealis- 'Where ha ye come fra? The swamp, that awfu' swamp" shows an example of dialect.