This is what i can say
The principles of design are the rules a designer must follow to create an effective composition that cleanly delivers a message to her audience. The most important, fundamental principles of design include emphasis, balance and alignment, contrast, repetition, proportion, movement and white space.
Answer: Bird in Space: The artist wanted to convey the graceful qualities of the bird. He tried to show the movement of the bird by eliminating all the physical features. Wild Turkey: James Audubon took a realistic approach of his image of a bird. There is almost a scientific purpose seen in the detail and technique of his watercolor of the wild turkey. Audubon wanted to show that even though the painting is of a wild turkey, a less beautiful bird, there is still some beauty to his artwork.
The Book of Ebbo uses a style associated with Reims with its use of frenetic intensity and expressively colored lines
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
and so are you!
could also be
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
a face like yours belongs in the zoo.
Don't worry I'll be there too,
not in the cage but laughing at you.
uh not sure if i'm late but you could take a sturdy flat sharp object (like a knife, sheet of metal, etc.) and slide it underneath to cut it off. i've tried this before and it took off practically nothing from what i made.