C. The government established a tax system to finance schools and hospitals.
the Belgian Congo, French Congo Belge, was the previous settlement in Africa, ruled by Belgium from 1908 until 1960. It was established by the Belgian parliament to supplant the past, exclusive Congo Free State, after worldwide shock over maltreatment there brought weight for supervision and responsibility.
The official Belgian frame of mind was paternalism: Africans were to be thought about and prepared as though they were youngsters. They had no job in enactment, yet customary rulers were utilized as operators to gather charges and enroll work; uncooperative rulers were dismissed. In the late 1950s, when France and the United Kingdom worked with their states to get ready for freedom, Belgium still depicted the Congo as an ideal place that is known for parent-child connections among Europeans and Africans.
Inca native
Hello brother Nahuasapu
Some strange tall men have arrived to our village. I´m writing this because I´m very worried about them. We cannot understand their sounds. They have althought arrived with some people of the village next to us and it seems they are helping them to understand each other better. Still, the sounds they make with their mouths are weird. I´ve never heard a language like that before. However it draws my attention how tall they are. There are also rumours about a plague that is coming with them. People get sick and die eventually and they seem very attentive towards our metalic resource of gold. They can even get aggressive for those shiny objects we have. I´m worried about the future of our village. They tend to react in a very aggressive way towards our people. They seem to have magic swords that throw a very damaging little stuff. It can kill our brothers with 1 shot. We are all very scared towards these people in reality but we hold our words in our minds because we are afraid that some of these traitors will tell something about this to them. Besides trying to look towards this gold or more known as "oro" by them, that´s how they pronounce it, they are looking for the casique of our empire and the inca itself. They seem to be looking out for the big heads here.
Tell our people to be very careful with them and avoid any contact. If it happens to be inevitable to avoid them then be very careful of what you say. Don´t mention gold unless it´s an extreme situation. And if they say something about god also be very careful. Just say yes to everything and don´t mind them. Run if it´s possible and try to inform the rest because we are already doomed.
Now the conquistador letter:
Good day Maria
We have arrived to the unknown land my love. I know you must be very worried about us because we haven´t talked for a while. I want to see my kids also. How much they have grown. Anyways, I´m writing here so I can tell you about our amazing trip to this unknown place. Nobody believed Cristobal but at last he was right. On the other hand the trip was hard. We traveled for so much days we even lost the notion about what day is today. Some people died or have gone insane on the run. The people here is almost half naked. They have huge ornaments in their faces sometimes. The villages we have arrived are weird. Their attitude is rather unsettling for me.
Thankfully they gave me something to defend myself if they get to close. However I dont want to hurt them, they seem like us but more like animals. I don´t really know what they are and I´m not looking foward to see what they really are because we are not here for that. We came for the gold, shiny and bright and beautiful gold so we can be rich at last and we can get to be a higher class. We can even start our own business honey. I´m doing this because I love you. It is very hard and sometimes it doesn´t feel right but I´m under command and this is how it needs to be. It seems we have found some of it thanks to some indigenous people that we founde exploring the shore. They saw us and attacked us so we have to defend ourselves. Some of our men died but we crushed them at the end. I´m glad I´m still alive however.
Hope I stay this way for the return so I can see my kids grow up. I hope that we can find this so called inca that the villagers mentioned us so we can talk some things and make some business before returning. This is a huge change for our culture. It is also a huge change for our lives. I love you my queen. I´ll write you as soon as I´m returning home.
Always yours
"your name"
The ideas of the Enlightenment inspired both the American and French Revolution. The Revolution was based on the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Philosophers of the Enlightenment, known as philosophes, favored limited monarchy, freedom of speech, and equality.
The correct answer is C) issuing drivers license.
Establishing trade with foreign countries, allocating funds for the military, and printing new currency are all responsibilities given to the federal government. These issues are left to the federal government because they deal with America as a whole.
Licenses, on the other hand, are best handled by the states. This gives states autonomy in determining the qualifications needed to drive in their respective state.