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Spoken by Macbeth in Act V scene v, after Seyton brought the news of Lady Macbeth's death, implying at the meaninglessness of one's life.
These lines are a quote from the tragedy play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. Taken from Act V scene v, these words are said by Macbeth after he hears of the death of his wife, lady Macbeth.
Macbeth at first seemed to be shaken with the news brought by Seyton that "the queen, my lord, is dead." But then, Macbeth began talking of the inevitability of death for everyone. He accepts that "she should have died hereafter", and that "Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player/ That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
/ And then is heard no more. It is a tale
/ Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
/ Signifying nothing." This could also be taken as his acceptance of the meaninglessness of human life, which also indirectly made his act of murdering King Duncan an insignificant act. He is in a way, justifying his murderous acts and seems to imply their insignificance. After all, life is just a shadow cast by a brief candle.
In chapter 3, Namesake, Candace Lapidus is introduced in the story as the principal of the school who will be taking Gogol's registration. During their meeting with Gogol's parents, she noticed that Nikhail is the written name on the registration but the parents call the kid Gogol. She then asks the kid what name he prefers and decides to go by it.
This instance shows Candace Lapidus as the archetype of a teacher because she has a genuine interest in the kid. She focuses on the things that will make the kid feel relevant and be more responsive. These are traits most commonly found in teachers.
set number of lines with each stanza
there is no exact rhythm
lines are similar length