5. According to John Green, Luther's success with the rebellion stemmed from his ability to, initially, make his teachings resonate with peasants and youths. But this resonance did not last long. Luther soon turned his teachings against the peasants in favor of the kings and princes.
6. <em>Luther's or the peasants' argument</em> about serfdom was correct. No one should endure bondage or serfdom, with increasing taxation without representation.
7. The reasons that Princes and Kings defied the Pope and broke away from the Church were<em> to possess landed property formerly owned by the Church (</em><em>Wealth</em><em>)</em>, <em>decide how they practiced religion (e.g. </em><em>divorce</em><em>)</em>, <em>and boost their </em><em>military powers</em><em> </em>(making people loyal to the government instead of to the Church).
8. The Reformation was ultimately a wrong move because it split the Church, creating too many denominations with different and confusing interpretations of the Bible. However, there are some valuable lessons. It separated the Church from the state. It created religious freedom.
The Church has no business mingling with the state. The Church and the state should remain separate, complementing each other like institutions. Governments should not regulate religion because it is a <em>personal endeavor</em>. It is a <em>spiritual enterprise</em> and not <em>social or economic</em>. There are some aspects of life in which the state should not involve itself. Otherwise, individual rights suffer jeopardy.
Thus, the Reformation was a bag of the good and the ugly. Reformation should happen <em>within and not without</em> the Church. Luther's outcome seems to be projected from Satan. Any Reformation outside the Church is no Reformation. It is simply Separation and Division, generating Confusion.
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<u>The Jews were one of the most important cultures that began in Mesopotamia. They came from one of the Sumerian cultures and branched off to form their own Jewish culture around 2000 BC.</u>
The Throckmorton plot was a threat to Queen Elizabeth because it conspired to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I and bring Queen Mary of Scots to the throne.
- For the fulfillment of the intention of re-establishing Roman Catholicism, it was necessary for the radical English Roman Catholics to take down Queen Elizabeth I and crown Queen Mary of Scots as the queen of England.
- This conspiracy was revealed after a few suspicious attempts made for the said cause and the main conspirator, Francis Throckmorton was punished for it.
Chiến tranh lạnh bắt dầu từ năm 1947 với thông điệp của tổng thống Truman tại quốc hội Mĩ.
Đến tháng 12 – 1989, trong cuộc gặp gỡ không chính thức tại đảo Manta ( Địa Trung Hải), hai nhà lãnh đạo M. Goócbachốp và G. Busơ (cha) đã chính thức tuyên bố chấm dứt Chiến tranh lạnh.