Those phrases are found in the Preamble to the Constitution. Hope I helped! Here's the excerpt: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ..."
1. When the American Revolution began, it looked like the colonies faced insurmountable odds. How did a ragtag band of volunteers without a proper source of funding for food and equipment manage to overcome the most powerful army and navy in the world?
How did each of the following contribute to the success of the American Revolution?
George Washington’s leadership abilities
Foreign assistance
Colonists’ spirit and attitude
George Washington helped us in many ways in the revolutionary war. Despite his losses he knew how to run the military. He was a really tough and brave man. Those two characteristics helped us in the military because you have to be brave and take risks t get rewards. Lastly toughness helped us out a lot. When our solders are sick or don't feel good they don't get to call in sick. They have to tough it out and if we were not tough enough then our soldiers would have gave up.
Geography helped Americans out a lot. One of the ways it helped us is by helping us know the terrain. Going to a unknown terrain and even unknown climate can be a easy way of death. Another way is by knowing a way to supply troops and how it was possible. We need geography for this because if we didn't use geography we wouldn't know where we were traveling. We also would not know how to supply our troops.
If we did not have foreign assistance then we would not have won the war. The french were pretty much the way we got our supplies. Also we would have been enormously out numbered in troops with out there assistance. Even though some assistance such as Spain's assistance was not much help to us at all.
Positive attitudes are needed in any war but it really helped us out in the revolutionary war. They believed that they were going to win and get their land. Then the french came along and grew our spirits. This also helped us because when the french came it it greatly lowered the British peoples spirit. What they thought was going to be easy instantly turned to a hard battle.
The answer to this question is basically a famous quote from Hobbes.
He said, “the natural state mans’s life is solitary,poor,nasty,brutish and short. Hope this helps!!!
Roanoke Jamestown and is England
Como metáfora de la implacable batalla del individuo contra el absurdo esencial de la vida.
Sísifo es un personaje mitológico griego que, conocido por sus engaños generales y engañar dos veces a la muerte, se convirtió en rey de Corinto. Cuando Zeus le dio el castigo eterno de hacer rodar sin cesar una roca por una colina en las profundidades del Hades, finalmente obtuvo su merecido.