Answer: B
You want to show why you believe your thesis is correct ultimately.
I am a dense thinker; I am constantly being bombarded by feedback from the world around me, and thus am unable to process bulks of information at a time. The small bit of feedback I do maintain, Is usually useless, and therefor is discarded later on. I am in my best environment when I flippantly flop on my bed and slip into a world of my own, comprised of nonsensical 'philosophy'. I truly enjoy this because I have no pressure to acknowledge the chaotic world around me, or to intelligently accomplish anything. Of course, this also means that the majority of my time is spent dozing off and/or being a sheep: unable to think for myself and following people who decide what is right for me. Sometimes, when I put real effort into my activities, I accomplish more than I thought I could. However, effort is hard, so I try to avoid it.
C. Metaphors.
<em>'Litany' by Billy Collins is a love poem containing a series of ordinary and extra-ordinary metaphors.</em> The metaphorical comparisons employed by the poet makes it a light- hearted poem with a profound directive to humanity. <em>The poet begins with the metaphors like 'bread and knife', 'goblet and wine', ''dew on morning grass', 'burning wheel of sun', 'white apron of the baker', 'marsh birds' and many more to describe and compare his beloved while he concludes it by himself comparing to the "moon in the trees' and 'blind woman's tea cup'.</em> The entire poem is a chain of metaphorical analogies and symbolizes his praise and admiration for his beloved.
A, In Fact, studies by scientists have found......
In fact followed up by an actual factually proven statement!