There are many reasons for the stalemate develop along the western front, they are:
1. <em>The Schlieffen Plan failed</em>, the German commander made an alteration of the forced and made the right wing smaller than the left wing, this made it slower than planned and gave the opportunity to British and French forces to counter-attack. Also, the Germans didn’t plan that Belgium would resist.
2. The second reason is that the <em>Germans didn’t imagine the Russians would attack them in the east</em>, this is one of the reasons the right wing on number 1 was weakened.
3. Even though the Germans were completely exhausted they marched until Paris and French army was unable to defeat the German army at the <em>Battle of Marne</em> because they were in a large number and British and French army weren’t as prepared as the German’s.
4. After this both armies marched to the Belgian coast and stayed there for the <em>next 4 years</em>, this happened for many reasons such as <em>bad weather</em> - it was winter and there was a lot of mud - and the <em>new advanced mechanizes weapons</em> like machine guns made them stay inside their trenches to avoid more deaths.
In tracking the US economy and determining consumer spending levels an item that might be included would be Harry Potter books sold in bookstores. The other examples are costs incurred by businesses in producing goods or services, whereas the books are solely a consumer purchase.
Even though Indonesia gained its independence from the Dutch, the country was still poor because Dutch used this country for crops and gave little investments to transportation, education, and health. With this fact, the economy of this country in that time was still progressing.
Slavic and Scandinavian countries are very rich in resources, and Russia wanted to control most trade in Europe until the collapse of the Soviet Union. More trade = More power and they were still recovering after the HARD losses when the Germans' invaded Leningrad and the war.
They provided food
They sewed clothes
They disguised themselves as men and fought
They fundraised
They were nurses