C.They planted cotton and practiced slavery.
Hope this helps
In the 17th century natality and mortality was managed by the church. The church had all the records of the people that have been born in that period of time, and of the people that had died (and how did they died; if they had a disease or something in between those matters). A historian that is doing some research about the diseases of a specific population would find this information very important; because by reading the funeral records he could come to a conclusion.
Absolute monarchy: Rule by a queen or king. Government of Spain and France and few limits on power.
Parliament: Representative body of English. Limited the power of the monarchy.
The absolutist monarchy is a type of government that has a sovereign individual who assumes all the political and social power of the country. that individual is the king or queen, who despite having people to advise his decisions represents a sovereign and irrevocable power that is passed on to his descendants.
A parliament, on the other hand, is a group of elected citizens, who represent the political body of a country and which has the capacity to limit the power of the monarchy and take away their sovereignty, preventing the country's sovereign from abusing power.
The Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance
There was six articles and the terms lasted 30 years in force.
This will be my last answer for now, but I'm positive the Louisiana Purchase occured between France and the US during Jefferson's Presidency. It was a really good deal for the US, because it was a lot of land for little money. However, envoys under Jefferson negotiated the deal without his direct approval, meaning Jefferson was forced to push for ratification.