Conservative means that a person would like to keep that current state, and would not want to see changes, and most often it relates to the traditional family and social values
Liberals are more opened to changes, and often see more value in openness than in tradition.
Moderates are in the middle: neither very liberal nor very conservative.
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A tribute empire is a collection of conquered or surrendered lands that give a ruling tribe or country tribute, or stuff that the conqueror asks for, for instance gold, women and cows.
It has made a big like a real big impact on my life today and it continues too
<span>Fortinbras will not attack Denmark.
</span><span>Good news. The King of Norway has diverted his nephew Fortinbras to an attack on Poland instead of Norway (for now). There is word-play that makes this parallel Hamlet's killing of Polonius instead of Claudius.</span>
Colonists from Britain founded those colonies, which are also part of the 13 British colonies.