The legalization of some controlled subtances has always been a contreversial issue. Nevertheless, despite of its controversy, it has several arguments that can be expressed in favor of it. First of all, in some cases related to depression and anxiety, controlled substances can be a way in which people can obtain willingness to live, and also, it can help to improve the mood and self-esteem they have. Moreover, when some factors do not allow people to easily get reasons to stay alive, these type of substances can be helpful to increase people's happiness, to avoid bad thinkings and to remove some negative feelings such as; fear, pity and even regret. Therefore, their quality of living can also get higher, if they try some substances, under control.
The United States decided to build the Panama canal across Central America to connect the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. During that period, America came to be known for its power in the world. President Theodore Roosevelt decided to build the canal to make America stronger in navy power. Panama was chosen to build the canal because the place was likely to be the thinnest landmass compare to the other places.
The answer to the question is false because according to the Federal Constitution. The Congress must always be consulted or the Congress must pass legislation for the President to act on their proposed programs such as the programs that have been stated in the question. While the President is still the most powerful of the people in the branches of the government because he can veto bills and issue executive orders, Congress exists as well as the Court of Justice to make sure that power does not get abused. Each and every branch of the government, the executive, legislative, and the judiciary all keep each other in check so that no one goes beyond their power and to maintain democracy. However, the kind of President stated in the question may exist if they have the confidence of the majority of the Congress because they basically control the Congress by that point and while that may be advantageous in passing necessary laws quickly, that is dangerous because there can be an abuse of powers.
The senator because he represents the people