<span>Studies show that symbolic play, commonly known as pretend play can help</span>
Goliat se rió y dijo que un niño no lo derribaría nunca. David el joven pastor, con una expresión de desprecio y una risa malvada, tomó una de sus piedras y la lanzó con su honda, dando justo en la cabeza a Goliat. Éste tambaleó y cayó muerto directamente. Entonces David tomó la espada de Goliat y le cortó la cabeza.
Answer: Azim Hashim Premji
Azim Premji is one of the most prominent names in the Information Technology industry of India where he is the Chairman of Wipro Limited.
He is a billionaire who is one of the richest in India and according to Time Magazine in 2011, one of the most powerful people in the world.
Mr. Premji is a philanthropist as well who has donated over $2 billion to education in India through his foundation, the Azim Premji Foundation.