1. You can see social structures in schools like teachers, staff,ect. Communtities such as law enforcers, fire department ect. And Government Building Such as Federal agents, President,ect.
2. The positive is that if you're high, you get more benefits and luxuries.The negative is that the low are treated unfairly. Sometimes it can become corrupted/ fall into the wrong hands like drug dealers, ect. and be used against the country
"The Federalist Papers" is actually written by three writers namely John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison which includes eighty-five essays. But the primary author of "The Federalist Papers" is Alexander Hamilton. The answer for this would be option D.
Una de las enfermedades más terribles de este periodo fue la peste negra, que causó tal epidemia que en aquella época se decía que apenas había vivos para enterrar a los muertos, ya que murió más de un tercio de la población europea.
State of the Union
Annual Message
The State of the Union Address is an annual message delivered by the president of the United States to a joint session of the United States Congress near the beginning of each calendar year on the current condition of the nation. The State of the Union Address generally includes reports on the nation's budget, economy, news, agenda, achievements, and the president's priorities and legislative proposals.
The Wagner Act helped to aid organized labor because it guaranteed the labor unions to the right to bargain collectfully on equal terms with employers. The Wagner Act is also known as the The National Labor Relations Act of 1935. Workers that were under the union were protecded from being fired or being punished by being in an union.