It was different because it remained independent during the colonial era when the rest of South East Asia was colonized. It modernized itself and worked with both British and French colonies but remained independent and chose who they wanted to work with. The territory of Siam is what is nowadays known as Thailand, so you can see that Thailand managed to develop itself and its culture independently of the colonizers who ran rampant among the South East Asian region and which caused many wars in recent times.
The French Revolution was started by the country's "third estate", which was composed of the Burgoise and the Working Class. This sector of society was enraged due to the monarchies mismanagement and excessive grant of benefits towards the Clergy (The First Estate) and the Nobility (The Second Estate).
Creole leaders such as Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin were inspired by these uprisings, as they believed the Spanish Crown used the colonies as mere sourcing points for their riches and were not reciprocal in developing them. To the contrary, the Spaniards executed high taxes which made it unbearable for the Colonialists (Creoles).
It brought them harm because they expected Hitler to be satisfied and they believed that if they gave him what he wanted that he wouldn't cause a new war and wouldn't bother them. This is why they didn't prepare for what he did when he started the war and why France was defeated so fast and couldn't do anything about it and why England became locked out of Europe completely until the arrival of the Allies.
The name of the president of the United States is named Donald Trump