Polytheism (the belief in more than one god.)
I know it's late, but it's Eve.
Martin Luther King Jr. believed in peaceful protests. He led many non-violent organizations and protests, such as the March on Washington and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. He wanted everyone to be equal. Malcolm X, the head of the Nation of Islam, on the other hand believed that blacks were a superior being and that they didn't have to listen to what the white man said. He believed that they should show their superiority by any means possible even if that meant violence had to be used.
B. Harmed because they brought deadly diseases
The concepts in the Declaration come from the tenets of the Enlightenment, including individualism, the social contract as theorized by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the separation of powers espoused by Montesquieu. The spirit of secular natural law rests at the foundations of the Declaration