It has a mostly negative connotation
Because the meaning of clean usually refers to taking something away that is unwanted; you clean your hands by washing them you can clean some apples to refresh them, this word has many different meanings comparable to being pure or empty.
The Parson is a profession that can still be found today
Hello. You did not show the texts to which this question refers. However, I can make a strong difference between the play "Pigmalion" and the musical "My fair lady" is that the musical features the pronouncing exercises "the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" and "In Hertford, Hereford, and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen ", while the play does not present these exercises.
"My fair lady" and the play "Pygmalion" tell the story of Eliza, a girl who grew up on the outskirts of her city and cannot speak the English language correctly, presenting several pronunciation errors. However, she starts taking classes with an academic and strong connoisseur of the standard language that teaches her to speak correctly and promotes many changes in her life.
The right answer is C). Ramy is challenging Charlotte to reconsider her assumption.