B: The twenty sixth amendment
This amendment prohibited the States and Government from denying citizens at the age of 18 (or above) the right to vote. Therefore, the number of demographics increased as a result of the minimum age being lowered.
lack men's lives are racialized contradictions. They are told that contemporary educational and professional institutions—particularly historically White institutions (HWIs)—are places where, through hard work, they can achieve the so-called American dream. However, for far too many Black men, HWIs represent racial climates that are replete with gendered racism, blocked opportunities, and mundane, extreme, environmental stress (MEES). This study examined the experiences of 661 Black men. A structural equation modeling approach was used to analyze the data. Findings indicate that as educational attainment increases toward college completion, both racial microaggressions and societal problems contribute to more than one third of the cause of MEES. Results suggest predominantly White environments are prime contexts for producing racial battle fatigue among Black men.
That is because the Czar knew that fighting the Austria-Hungary empire and Germany was inevitable and war was brewing. Of course, Russians did not see the end of the war due to the Bolshevik revolution that had them retreat from the war and cease their participation and overthrowing the king.
The limits that artifacts on American civilizations pre-1600 have as historical sources are that the artifacts found in different locations cannot definitely establish a conclusion about the location of the Native American tribes or the type of society they lived in.
hope this helps!