We can control resource depletion by rationing them and making thing that don't need or use so much resources.
Primary Consumers are also known as the ones who eat plants . They are usualy herbivores
It was a old network of trade routes that were for centuries central to cultural interaction first through areas of Eurasia<span> connecting the </span>East<span> and </span>West<span> and all the way from the Korean peninsula </span><span>and Japan </span><span>to the Mediterranean Sea</span>
If you are in Uranus with an titled angle of 97.77°, living in the latitude 45° would mean experiencing a winter night at almost one third of a Uranian year. A year in Uranus is equivalent to 84 earth years, meaning it would be winter for 28 earth year at latitude 45°
You should be able to find this on a map.