The sight was strange because it was impossible to harm Grendel, but at the same time the sight was wonderful because Grendel's death meant the people would have peace.
Although you haven't shown the text this question refers to, we can see from the context that it refers to "Beowulf."
"Beowulf" is the epic that tells the story of how the Anglo-Saxon hero, Beowulf, defeated the terrifying monster, Grendel. With the reading of this epic, we can say that:
- Grendel was a terrible and bloodthirsty monster.
- He was immune to any kind of weapon and his skin was impossible to cut.
- This means that no one is able to defeat him or even hurt him.
- But Beowulf, in addition to being strong and very strategic, managed to cut off Grendel's head.
As Grendel was impossible to harm, the sight of his severed head was very strange, as it seemed impossible to happen, but it was a wonderful thing, as the people would be free from his attacks and they would have peace.
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When you hear about a lottery, you think about the chance to win something good (like money, trips, etc). In the story, the lottery ends up being something you definitely would not want to win. The less chance you have to “win”, the better.