The plebians did more simple jobs like baking, and manufacturing of primary and secondary economic goods, gladiators were warriors and didn't really do tasks for the Roman Empire other than entertain and fight for the army. The aristocrats were mainly the senatorial class.
It was winner-takes-all approach do not count the votes of the losing candidates in each state, It allows the election of a candidate who does not win the majority votes, and it was undemocratic.
He performed them in his theatre: The Globe
The role of music in the United States has changed throughout its history and continues to transform as new ideals and genres emerge. It serves various functions and is used by people of all ages in many ways. The purpose of this paper is to show the development and role that music portrays in society from its earliest beginnings through present time as well as its future.
kakatiya dynasty is part of a modern Dehli in India..