The answer is C. Appearing to be calm and relaxed
This is the NIV verse of Galatians 3:1-2:
<u>1</u> You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. <u>2</u> I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?
He is calling out the Galations and is not commending or celebrating their actions.
I hope this helps! :)
1. Every person in this world has his own personality, and each person can act and behave the way his brain tells him to do, our human brain has Botha good side and a bad side, which leaves us to the point we're we have to pick the best side and use it, so this means that every person is good enough in his own way
2.if you think about it, it wouldn't be so okay, wearing a face mask is always important because sometimes the virus spreads in air particles, so for me I think that we should always wear a mask
3.for me, I'm not infected, but I always wear my mask, some people don't take the virus seriously and don't wear their masks, but most people are wearing their masks
4.we can only stop it by having good hygiene and wear our face masks and keep social destancing, if every human follow these rules, I assume that we'll stop this pandemic easily
5.the biggest challenge is the challenge of keeping your mask on, even if it makes us feel uncomfortable, ateast feeling uncomfortable is so much better than losing your beloved ones
P. S. I really answered these questions by heart so I hope u give me the brainliest :)
The correct answer would be option b. of a lifetime of strengthening of the bigram detectors for common english letter pairs.
When learning native or a second language, the rules of structures of words are formed like chunks or bigram detectors that indicate some common English letter pairs patterns. When it is stated that Betty misread the string of letters in a way that follows the rules of common English, it is because of the chunks already formed in her brain that tries to fit the letters together in a structure that would make some sense.