Answer:Para escribir una buena oración, necesariamente tenemos que tener Sujeto verbo y predicado, estos son los requisitos indispensables para dar claramente una idea de lo que queremos expresar
yo solia pensar que falacia era una enfermedad pero ahora pienso que es como un engaño o mentira
yo solia pensar que paradoja era una maldicion pero ahora pienso que es un dicho o hecho que parece contrario a la lógica.
Answer:What kinds of sentences are in the following passage? “I lived like this, alone, nobody with whom I could truly speak, until when six years ago I had a breakdown in the Sahara desert. The engine had some damage. As I had no mechanic or passenger with me, I set out to carry out a difficult repair on my own. It was a matter of life and death for me, as I barely had drinking water for eight days. The first night I fell asleep on the sand, a thousand miles away from the nearest inhabited place. He was more isolated than a castaway on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Imagine, then, my surprise when at dawn a strange little voice woke me up saying: - Please ... paint me a lamb! -Hey? -A lamb! I jumped to my feet as if struck by lightning. I rubbed my eyes. I looked around. I saw an extraordinary little boy who was looking at me gravely. There you have the best portrait that I later managed to make of him, although my drawing is certainly less charming than the model. But it is not my fault. Older people put me off my painter career at the age of six and I had not learned to draw anything other than closed boas and open boas. ”
“estar” means “be”
Es como “estar” en la playa.
Is like to be in the beach.
Thats means “ it’s five and fifteen”