From about 1811-1840 the Oregon Trail<span> was laid down by traders and fur trappers. It could only be traveled by horseback or on foot. By the year 1836, the first of the migrant train of wagons was put together. It started in Independence, Missouri and traveled a cleared </span>trail<span> that reached to Fort Hall, Idaho.</span>
There are numerous reasons regarding why the domain was as effective as it seemed to be, yet some of them incorporate its extremely solid and sorted out military and its unified political structure. These early, effective governments make the Ottoman Empire one of the most significant ever.
The Harlem Renaissance was an intellectual, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York, spanning the 1920s. During the time, it was known as the "New Negro Movement", named after the 1925 anthology by Alain Locke. The Harlem Renaissance was considered to be a rebirth of African-American arts. and the answer is a.