I think it is D - supporting detail, just a guess tho
Explanation: an- a
Nome Alaska- Nome, Alaska
wasnt- wasn't
Travel- Traveling by air
life-saveing- saving
balto- Balto
a husky named balto- a husky named balto,
threw- through
return- returned
was all most- was about
For me it's,
Or Spending time with family
Meditation is nice, it helps you relax and unwind
Hobbies are good because you work on something you're passionate about, mine is art.
Or spending time with family because it's fun and a nice to spend time with the people you love.
The screech owl is informative writing
The coyotes is investigative writing
The brown recluse spider is informative writing that shows bias
And the fat one is investigative writing that shows bias
You make sure your reader understands. state most important information in it. Follow along with the dialogue so they know what P.O.V you are in
This all helps them find what your story means