B. Personal essay.
In the USA it is customary for applicants to a university to submit a personal essay in which the applicant elaborates upon a certain topic following a well-defined narrative line and dwelling on a personal thesis that needs to be accompanied by well-founded reasoning and an axiological framework that can make the student present him or herself to the admissions committee in a creative and personal manner.
The fact that it has the word "extraneous" in it should be enough to prove my point. In no situation should an essay be difficult to read or understand, given that the point of an essay is to educate.
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
So this one is fairly different from the other one, it's a book that was originally written in French. It's about a man named Jean who goes to jail for a long time for stealing bread. He later gets out years later, and struggles finding shelter and a job because he used to be in jail. Anyways, he meets a guy who offers him shelter, and Jean later steals his silver to sell it, the man finds out but kind of allows him because he knows he's suffering.
This is all I know so far because I'm not done reading it, (it's a very big book) but I like it so far.
Also the book was written in 1845, it's old, but interesting. :D