A. Juvenile court because minors that cause crime are usually referred as Juveniles
There were several changes during and after the war that the government made. ... During the war, the government took away a few of the rights that people had. Congress passed the Espionage and Sedition Act in 1917 which limited their freedom of speech and freedom of press to say anything against the war.
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Most civilizations have practiced some form of slavery in their development. Famine or fear of stronger enemies might force one tribe to ask another to help and give themselves in a type of bondage in exchange that was similar to the European serf system.
Arabs also had slave trading, they exchanged slaves for goods from other parts of the world.
Until that moment, slavery was not linked to color, it was mostly linked to war and economic opportunities.
Slavery became a matter of color when Portugal started to explore the West Coast of Africa in 1444. Because African slaves were identified by their skin color since then, slavery became a matter of color and not economic opportunities or war. Europeans settled in Brazil, Caribbean, and North America and developed a system of racially based slavery.