White hat hackers use their capabilities to uncover security failings to help safeguard organizations from dangerous hackers. They can sometimes be paid employees or contractors working for companies as security specialists who attempt to find gaps in security.
Plastic container
because if we use iron it may rust and oil may also damage
Python is the correct answer.
Python Programming Language is might be good for those programmers who are beginners because the following Language is quite easy and simple to learn. When any programmer using Python Language for the programming then, they easily write their program because of its simplicity, it is easy and quick for learning language. This language creates program easy and short.
Not sure on the context of this question, but a loop is generally used to iterate though every piece of data to perform some kind of operation, on everything in something like an array or string.
Java is a general-purpose programming language that is object-oriented, and has strong support for web development.
Therefore, one of the languages that a college sophomore majoring computer science learn is <u>Java,</u> an object-oriented programming language that is commonly used to write Web applications.