1. Word Power
2. The Digital Era
3. Foods that Fight Cancer
4. The Secret Language to Success
5. Laughter is The Best Medicine and What Your Child Enjoys Most
Reason: The reasons why I picked these two chapters was because in "
Laughter is the best Medicine" it might talk about how laughing more often can improve your life and creates a positive aura around you that can effect people. They will most likely feel at ease when someone is laughing naturally. Meanwhile, in "What Your Child Enjoys Most" would help you to relax is by it most likely helping you to find creative ways to engage your child and not let them act rambunctious while you are trying to live your life.
Answer: How does Truth use her personal experiences to make a logical and emotional case for women's rights? She uses evidence to challenge the cultural assumption that all women are delicate and sentimental. As a formerly enslaved person, she shows that women are as physically capable as men.
Information about polar bears is important for people to learn because polar bears are becoming extinct so it’s best to learn more about them, if more people know about them they’ll try to help them, besides they are also part of the food chain.
From the article, it is seen that advertising can influence the price of commodities negatively or positively. Negatively, critics believe that "consumers must pay for the cost of advertising in the form of higher prices for goods" ("Advertising," 2012). Opponents of this believe hold that the 'massive audience captured through advertising can bring down the price of goods' ("Advertising," 2012).
In-text citation of quotes and the paraphrase of important points found in encyclopedias without an author, require stating the title of the article, encasing it in quotes and a bracket as well as inputting the year when the article was written.
In the case of the text above that is an Encyclopedia Britannica article without an author, the title of the article was first stated and then this was followed by the year it was published. The same rule was followed for the paraphrase of important points.