Chinese paper was a huge accomplishment with a light but durable resource to write on that is also cheap.
Bonus fact: the first piece of paper had Hemp in it
Scholasticism (deriving from the Latin <em>scholasticus</em> “belonging to the school”) was a method of thought used in some European universities during the Middle Ages (1100-1500 A.C.). Scholasticism was widely used until 1600 when the Renaissance began to dominate education in Europe. Although Scholasticism was no longer used, many of its principles continued to be part of the new renascent ideas of such as Christian Humanism.
Some of this Scholastic’s principles developed by the Christian Humanism were:
- An analysis of the theology and Christian thoughts under a more philosophical approach.
- A disclosure of ideas from some Roman and Greek philosophers like Plato.
- The finding of more logic and stronger arguments that lead an answering of some questions about life and humanity.
The first revolt was inspired more by the Enlightenment while the second revolt was inspired by the Nationalism.
The first Haitian revolt was inspired by the Enlightenment while the second revolt was inspired by the Nationalism. Enlightenment play an important role because the ideas of enlightenment of one slave i.e. Toussaint L'Ouverture who is the leader of the revolution. Ultimately, the Enlightenment inspired a successful slave revolt in Haiti. Toussaint L'ouverture helped to train the slaves into a disciplined army that could withstand every attack from the French troops.
B. By using freedom of speech and speaking about it with others