The water is hypotonic to the body of the patients
<em>Pure water is generally hypotonic to the red blood cells in the body of humans. Hence, if a person is hooked up to an IV line that included pure water, the red blood cells in the person's body will take-in water, become turgid, and then start lysing. This will make the person become sick or even cause death in severe cases.</em>
Angiogenesis plays a critical role in the growth of cancer because solid tumors need a blood supply if they are to grow beyond a few millimeters in size. Tumors can actually cause this blood supply to form by giving off chemical signals that stimulate angiogenesis.
Thanks google
Potential energy
-An object can store energy as the result of its position.This stored energy of position is referred to as potential energy.
-The energy an object has because of its position, rather than its motion. An object held in a person's hand has potential energy, which turns to kinetic energy; the energy of motion, when the person lets it go, and it drops to the ground.
At the time in our history when there were slave owners, it was part of our culture to own slaves to help with the labor on farms. It did not make slave owners INHUMAN. It was part of the culture of the times. Maybe not the best part of our culture but was accepted by millions of people and I dont think there were millions of people that were INHUMAN. It was part of our history and we learned from the mistakes of the past. As our culture and society change so do the beliefs and acceptable societal norms. Sometimes for the better sometimes for the worst. Hopefully, most of the time for the better.