..a warrior protected in this army...
In this sentence lies the explanation of the use of the word warrior.She is not a soldier in real life but she has wars to fight.The last sentence makes it clear that the sort of warrior this girl is will not go to battle but will face every situation she has to in her very difficult life.
not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
"they were courteous but faintly aloof"
synonyms:distant, detached, unfriendly, antisocial,unsociable, avoidant, remote, unapproachable,formal, stiff, withdrawn, reserved, unforthcoming,uncommunicative, unsympathetic;
"part of their strategy is to remain aloof during the first stages of negotiation"
conspicuously uninvolved and uninterested, typically through distaste.
"he stayed aloof from the bickering"
Assuming we're just looking at this phrase, "learn'd" suggests that the astronomer studied to become intelligent in the astronomical field.
The author uses specific adjectives to tell readers about a character