Ichabod Crane is terrified of the headless horsemen
People have feelings and emotions because evolved emotions as ways of helping us to rapidly reorganise our mental and bodily resources to help us prepare for anything the world might throw at us. During our lives, each of us experiences millions of emotional reactions either consciously or unconsciously.
Hope this helps
def to_pig_latin(word):
new_word = word[1:] + word[0] + "ay"
return new_word
Create a function called to_pig_latin that takes one parameter, word
Inside the function, create a new_word variable and set it to the characters that are between the second character and the last character (both included) of the word (use slicing) + first character of the word + "ay". Then, return the new_word.
Call the to_pig_latin function twice, first pass the "hello" as parameter, and then pass the "latin" as parameter
They could go flying out the window, getting seriously injured. This could also leave to death.