Answer: The greater the distance to a galaxy, the greater its redshift</h2>
When we talk about the <u>visible electromagnetic spectrum</u>, we know it starts in violet-blue and ends in red.
Now, in this context the astronomer Edwin Powell Hubble observed several celestial bodies, and when obtaining the spectra of distant galaxies he observed the spectral lines were displaced towards the <u>red</u><u> </u>(red shift), whereas the nearby stars showed a spectrum displaced to the <u>blue</u>.
From there, Hubble deduced that the farther the galaxy is, the more redshifted it is in its spectrum, and noted that all galaxies are <em>"moving away from each other with a speed that increases with distance"</em>, and enunciated the now called<u> Hubble–Lemaître Law</u>.
This means in the past the distance between two galaxies was smaller than at present, being this the proof that <u>the universe is expanding</u> (like a balloon expands when it is filled with air or another gas).
At this poitn it is important to stay clear that <u>the redshift is not produced by the relative movement of the galaxies with each other</u>. This effect is in fact, due to the <u>own expansion of the space</u> among the galaxies.
Answer:The definition of a "melting pot" is a place where different people from different cultures and beliefs come together and begin to merge and mix. America is an example of a melting pot where immigrants and people from all over the world visit and live and share thoughts and ideas to create one big new culture. Texas is considered one because of the mix of Hispanic,native Indian,island natives and native Americans merge and mix.
In the northern hemisphere, the wind moves towards the right and in the southern hemisphere, it’s towards the left
Meiji reformers had a slogan, "Civilization and Enlightenment.<span>" which encapsulates the goals of their reform, they wanted to create a modern Japanese nation modeled after those in the Western world. Part of what they did in a bid to achieve this was that they sent </span><span>hundreds of Japanese to the United States and Europe to </span>study Western ways of life and government.
Yes and it still is. Ireland will problably still be 100000 welcomes