<span>carried more products for a mass market rather than just luxury goods.</span>
The answer is below
1. Nicolas Copernicus Publishes De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium in 1543 "On The Revolutions Of Celestial Bodies" - this deals with the heliocentric theory. It is the first theory that support or define that earth and other planets are revolving around the sun.
2. Francois Viete Invents Analytical Trigonometry in 1591: Viete's invention deals with the study, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry that improves the study of physics and astronomy.
3. Galileo Galilei in 1591 also Demonstrates The Properties Of Gravity. This helps in having more understanding of how gravity works
I got this from Brittinica.com and these are the most important details from it:
'Open Door policy, statement of principles initiated by the United States in 1899 and 1900 for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.The principle that all countries should have equal access to any of the ports open to trade in China. But after Japan’s defeat in World War II (1945) and the communist victory in China’s civil war (1949), which ended all special privileges to foreigners, made the Open Door policy meaningless.
I hope this was helpful.
Number 1) The freedom of religion in protected by the first Amendment because Congress cannot prohibited the right to exercise one's religious beliefs. I don't know if I'm supposed to answer 2,3,and 4 but let me know if you need help with them.