It does not absorb green light, since it is a green pigment any green light will be reflected -A
The role of international organizations is helping to set the international agenda, mediating political bargaining, providing a place for political initiatives and acting as catalysts for the coalition- formation. They facilitate cooperation and coordination among member nations.
Well in this country we define citizens as anyone being born as United States citizens as being natural born. They can be from any country and their child may be a citizen of the U.S. This can be controversial but ultimately it does very little for anyone to do this and if so can lead to some conflict on federal or state terms. Besides that you can be a citizen even if you were not born in the US this is either done by immigrating legally and passing various tests or by having one parent be an American citizen. Either or is acceptable.
<span>Both documents concerned the rights of states to hold that a federal act was unconstitutional and to refuse to apply it. Calhoun's doctrine concerned the Tariff of Abominations and how SC would secede if it was not repealed. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolves concerned the Alien and Sedition Acts.</span>