Libya’s ongoing clashes are part of what could be defined as the as the regional consequences of egupt.
It’s the last one it says what she’s doing
President Roosevelt was born during the Industrial Revolution where everything from the workforce to travel is transitioning from manual to mechanical. Railroads were the epitome result of Industrial Revolution. It erased the separation of countries due to its distances, paving way for new commerce. It made towns along the railway thrive. However, it also meant that those who had the control of the railway system can have the control of the land. Roosevelt was instrumental in stopping wealthy railroad owners from taking control of the American West when he implemented the Sherman Anti-Trust Law.
The church was probably one of the most rich and powerful things during the middle ages. The church was a driving force for religious people, and most religious people would give the church a ton of money during their lifetime. People paid 1/10's of their earnings to the church, which were called tithes, basically donations to the church which supported them. They also paid for events, like baptism, marriage and communion. The church was considered independent, so they were not taxed, and the wealthy often gave the church land. The church ended up owning 1/3 of the land in Western Europe, and Western Europe was heavily dominated by Christianity. The church had a strong political power during these times because people would follow what the church wanted, due to them having all this power. Wealthy politicians would also pay indulgences to "buy their way into heaven", and the threat of not going to heaven was enough to make politicians do their bidding during this time.
Japanese Americans were looked at differently during the war. Some were even sent to camps simply for being Japanese. Some people believed that they might be spies or traitors of some sort.