If you know this part of the land was once natural levees and low swamps, you can picture its physical features —the topography. The three divisions of the Terraces region are the Blufflands, the Prairies, and the Flatwoods. The Blufflands, the old natural levees, are the highest part of the Terraces region.
Mrs. Sparks cares about what is taught in schools because she is a parent of a child in the school system and therefore has a right to protect what she views as her child’s best interests.
Because growing tobacco also required a lot of hard work and labor, more people (human resources) were needed to work in the fields. ... It didn't take the colonists long to realize that economic specialization would be the way to go, and tobacco became a cash crop for the colony.
Mutual Fund
A mutual fund is a moderate type of investment since it involves a modest risk to seek higher long term returns.
Mining and cattle ranching help prepare western territories for statehood by : Creating large industries that attract people to move to the west.
These industries provide a lot of job opportunities because it need a lot of manpower to keep up with the production
hope this helps