This would be considered a offense under the PC 246. If you are known to be with a gang, then you can be charged with the PC 186.22, the gang enhancement statute.
For these offenses you can get any of the following:
6 months to one year in county jailOr, state prison time of 3, 5 or 7 yearsAnd/or a fine up to $10,000Possible formal probation as an alternative to state prison or county jail time or in conjunction with some time spent incarcerated in county jailA “strike” on your record pursuant to California’s three strikes lawIf you are not a US citizen, you face the potential of deportation as this is a crime of moral turpitudeIf you already had a strike on your record, a conviction here automatically doubles your sentence since this is a violent felony. If you had two strikes, you will be sentenced to 25 years to life.
Because they received support from the magisgrates.
Protestants generally trace to the 16th century their separation from the Catholic Church. Protestantism began with the Magisterial Reformation, so called because it received support from the magisgrates (the civil authorities).
True. The fact that they were in groups makes them a civilization. However, the criteria for civilization is fluid and I would need more information from the lesson to give a definitive answer.
Mesoamerican architecture is often designed to align to specific celestial events.
Throughout history, we have made lots of discoveries using energy. Before 1850, wood was our main source of fuel for heating, cooking and producing steam for powering steam engines for the railroads. Other sources of energy were water, wind, coal and some manufactured natural gas.