At what time do you wake up for your zoom classes?
They do that because it may not be said normally, it may have an accent attached along with it.
I don't know which one is correct but I will translate
1- the woman is behind the computer
2-the woman is on top of the computer (definitely not this one)
3-the woman is far from the computer
4-the woman is in front of the computer
To me 1 and 4 makes more sense but you can choose
Esta colección integral fechada cronológicamente abarca toda la historia ecuatoriana, desde las reliquias de las civilizaciones antiguas hasta las obras de arte contemporáneas. Un viaje aquí proporcionará una pequeña idea de cuán culturalmente rico ha sido y sigue siendo este pequeño país. La institución en expansión tendrá al menos medio día para ver. Comenzando en la Galería Arqueológica, los visitantes llegan a una gran variedad de piezas que datan de 11,000 a. C., mucho antes de los Incas, incluyendo una momia de la cultura Cañari, y las esculturas de los "Gigantes de la Bahía" de la cultura Bahía. Quizás más memorable es la Corte Dorada, llena de máscaras de oro, estatuillas y adornos en el pecho, a menudo atribuidos a grupos indígenas que adoraron al sol. La Galería de Arte Colonial contiene piezas de 1534 a 1820 que se centran principalmente en las mujeres y el sol.
This comprehensive, chronologically dated collection covers the full breadth of Ecuadorian history, from the relics of ancient civilizations to contemporary works of art. A trip here will provide a small sense of just how culturally rich this small country has been and still is. The sprawling institution will take at least half a day to see. Beginning in the Archaeological Gallery, visitors come to a vast array of pieces dating to 11,000 B.C., well before the Incas, including a mummy from the Cañari culture, and the sitting sculptures of the "Bay Giants" from the Bahia culture. Perhaps more memorable is the Golden Court, filled with gold masks, figurines, and chest decorations often attributed to indigenous groups that worshiped the sun. The Colonial Art Gallery contains pieces from 1534 to 1820 that focus primarily on women and the sun.